Thursday, February 09, 2012

Every Saturday 2-4, Science Live

Thanks to those who braved freezing temperatures (to say nothing of
the wind chill factor) to attend the weekly protest at Science Oxford
Live last Saturday.. We hopefully have some momentum, and although the
Oxford Times/Mail are so far studiously ignoring us, we did have an
article and photo in the Oxford Journal.

Please continue to support this action!
What you can do

1. Attend the weekly protests while the exhibition continues.(until
and including March 10th)
Every Saturday, 2-4pm Science Oxford Live, 1-5 London Place, St Clements
videos of the action on Saturday January 28th

2. Give feedback to Science Oxford.
They have put an item on their website that is somewhat evasive, and
only gives partial information about Veolia. However, they are also
asking for feedback on this issue, so please give it! The argument
they make about having no control over who the Natural History museum
chooses as a sponsor just doesn't hold water. You can always say no,
and disassociate yourself. ( Otherwise it's in line with the "just
following orders" argument). They also need to be reminded that as
well as being a political and human rights issue, it is also an
environmental issue - Landfill sites on Palestinian land are used to
dump waste from Israel and Israeli Settlements, and the actions of
Veolia in supporting settlement development has a major impact on the
lives of the Palestinians as well as their rights.
web link to their statement.

3. Write to the Oxford Times who are still totally avoiding any
mention of this issue in their newspaper.

Thanks! And hope to see you outside Science Oxford Live, Saturdays 2-4pm